Parent Resources


Parent and Caregiver Training

At BAMBINOS Therapy, Inc., parents are critical members of their child’s team and work hand in hand with the therapist for their child’s success. Parents and caregivers are a crucial part of a child’s treatment but can often be overlooked for the critical role they play in a learner’s success. When parents and other persons caring for a child have not received effective and on-going training in therapeutic procedures or when the dynamic of the family has not been adequately considered, treatment gains or progress may slow.  

We will provide you with the tools to perform techniques at home and incorporate them in your daily routine. We work with the whole family to promote effective communication and ability to work on skills throughout the day and week. This part of our service delivery involves discussions, instructions, demonstration, and practice of therapeutic skills and protocol implementation and is organized and customized for each child and family. Consideration of family goals and values as well as household dynamics play a major part in our caregiver education and training.

Findings from applied literature and outcomes from clinical practice tell us that the involvement of parents and caregivers in the treatment of the child enhances the efficacy of the therapeutic program and provides optimal circumstances for the maintenance and generalization of skills over time.

We offer parents and caregivers these additional trainings and resources:


Infant Massage is an effective practice and routine that encourages, assists, and promotes sleep, sensory regulation, and digestion in your little one. Infant massage goes beyond just the generic inventory of consecutive strokes. It enhances a parent’s observation skills of their child, increases their knowledge of infant development, and raises their understanding of the incredible effects of their touch. It involves mindfully engaging your child, recognizing nonverbal communication, and creatively adapts touch to support their child’s sensory needs and capabilities. Whether your baby is an infant or several years old, massage can bring immediate and lasting results.

Sensory Diets

A sensory diet is a treatment approach that can help kids who have difficulty with their sensory processing abilities . It is a carefully designed series of physical activities and accommodations tailored to give each child the sensory input he/she needs. Completing a sensory diet routine helps your child become more self-aware of their sensory needs, which in turn helps them make progress to identify what their body needs to be able to attend, socialize, and participate in various settings.

Assistive Technology

Assistive technology is any product, equipment, and/or system that is used to improve, maintain, or increase the functional capabilities. Many of our SLP and OT’s have implemented various AT supports for children to foster independence with speech and language, written production, and overall independence. Some of these supports are as follows: PECS, AAC devices, picture exchange, computer hardware (switches, keyboards, pointing devices), visual schedules, social stories, and eye gaze. Please contact us if you are looking for an AT Evaluation.


Most of our therapists have many years of experience working within the school setting. We help parents navigate their child’s transition to school for the first time or help advocate for children already in school. We can provide recommendations and supports to ensure success within the academic setting. In order for therapy to be most effective, we believe that open communications and collaboration with individuals in every environment allow for children to reach their maximum potential.

Therapist Wish List

Many of our families ask us for developmentally appropriate toys for their children, so our team put together an age-specific wish lists that target communication, sensory, and motor skills. The button below will bring you to those lists. Your provider can also help guide you in toy selections based on your child’s needs.

Technology Resources

In our ever-changing technological word, it is important that we provide resources that are specifically designed to aid your child’s skill development and functioning while they are getting a “technology break".” Please click the button below to see our tech recommendations.

Developmental Milestones

Concerned about your child’s development?  Click the button below to download our Developmental Milestones chart.