Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy is a service that enables individuals to maximize their functional abilities and to complete activities of daily living. In pediatrics, physical therapy promotes children to change positions and move around to the best of their potential. Physical therapists use a variety of techniques from manual therapy to strengthening/stretching activities to simulated transfers or transitions. Physical Therapy develops gross motor skills, increases strength, improves range of motion, and educates families in order to achieve goals typically related to encouraging movement and independence in children.



Our physical therapists specialize in a wide variety of areas including, but not limited to:

balance issues

gross motor development

sports injury recovery

early intervention

gait training

strengthening and stability


What does Physical Therapy services look like? 



Prior to an evaluation, parents complete a child intake form and developmental history form for the therapist to review.  Upon completion of these forms, an in-home evaluation is scheduled with a licensed therapist.  This evaluation may include parent interviews, informal observations, and formal assessments.  The evaluation can take anywhere between 1-1.5 hours.  Therapists will work through assessment activities with your child, wherever your child is most comfortable.  Once the evaluation is complete, the therapist will take 1-2 weeks to write a summary report that includes the findings and recommendations. This report determines the frequency of appointments and the goals for ongoing therapy sessions.



Physical Therapy sessions are 1-on-1 and take place in the child’s home. Parents or caregivers are expected to be present for the session. Throughout the session, the therapist monitors your child’s progress on their current goals. As goals are mastered, the treatment sessions incorporate additional goals from the evaluation. When each session concludes, therapists provide feedback and recommendations to parents or caregivers to continue working towards specific skills.


Achieving Outcomes

Our therapists use data to measure the rate of progress on a child’s physical therapy goals. Performance is noted after each session. Senior therapists oversee treatment plans and observe sessions to make sure children are making progress. Whenever goals are met, therapists will refer back to the evaluation to incorporate new goals.  We will perform re-evaluations as needed to measure the child’s progress since beginning services.